Buddha Smriti Park is part of an ambitious project by Bihar Government where they undertook the building of a massive Buddhist Peace Pagoda and beautiful park surrounding it. This beautiful multipurpose park is maintained by the State Government. It was constructed to commemorate the 2554th birth anniversary of the Lord Buddha and was inaugurated by His Holiness Dalai Lama on the day of Buddha Poornima. He also planted two saplings, one brought from Bodh Gaya and another from Anuradhapura in Sri Lanka, of the sacred Bodhi tree. A branch of the original Mahabodhi tree at Bodh Gaya is believed to have been taken to Anuradhapura in Sri Lanka by Emperor Ashoka’s son Mahendra.

Buddha smriti Patna  (1).jpg

You cannot take camera inside the park, the guard told me and asked me to keep my camera in the cloak room. This was probably the first instance where the camera was not allowed inside a monument of tourist interest. Anyhow, I did what I was asked to and told my phone to cooperate a little.

Buddhism Bihar (1)

Located in front of Patna Junction and Mahavir Temple, this park is surprisingly a nice change from the regular hustle bustle of crowded destinations of the city. The park stands in the place of the Bankipore Jail whose ruins can still be seen in a corner.

Buddha smriti Patna (3)Buddhism Bihar (2)

Buddha Smriti park is spread in an area of 22 acres.  The main Stupa itself is 200 feet high and is situated in the middle of the park. The dome rises high in the sky and provides a magnificent view of the park. The Stupa contains the relics of Buddha. These relics are secured in a glass enclosure and a tiny golden statue of the sitting Buddha is kept inside. Along with Buddha Statue, you will also see the relics from different countries put in separate caskets. The holy relics were brought by His Holiness along with the monks from Thailand, Myanmar, Japan, South Korea and Sri Lanka.

Buddha smriti Patna (2)

The relic was discovered from the stupa in Vaishali. This relic stupa is among the series of eight stupas spread in the world that are built over the corporeal remains of Buddha. According to Buddhist traditions, after attaining Mahapariniryana, his body was cremated by the fishermen of Kushinagar with royal ceremony befitting the king of the universe. After the cremation, his mortal remains were distributed among eight claimants who were the Lichhavis of Vaishali, Ajatshatru the king of Magadha, Sakyas of Kapilavastu, Bulis of Alakappa, Koliyas of Ramagram, A Brahmin of Vethoweep and Mallas of Pava and Kushinagar.

Karuna Stupa Patna (2)

The entry ticket to the park is INR 10. For visiting the part where the relics are kept a separate ticket of Rs 50 is issued. You cannot go alone inside the central hall but a guard will take you inside. The space gives such an aura of peace and tranquility withwooden flooring in concentric cell fashion. The case is situated in the middle. Spending some time in this empty hall is a lovely experience in itself. The noiseless interiors will make you feel calm and peaceful taking all the worries from your mind.

Karuna Stupa Patna (1)

The park also includes a Mediation Center, a Library and a Museum.

The Mediation Center has been constructed using state-of-art technique. This construction process was inspired by the blueprint of the monasteries of the Nalanda University. You can take a view of the stupa from different cells of the meditation center.

The library is located in a huge space and consists a large number of books related to Buddhism. You can also find assistance and help if you are looking for a specific book.

The museum consists of original artifacts brought here from different excavation sites. You’ll find a detailed insight on the life and teachings of Lord Buddha. The musuem also has an audio-visual guide and some multimedia presentation that will take you through the rise and journey of Buddhism from Bihar to the world.

The park is still working on a Buddhist themed park to be called Park of Memories. This park will highlight the journey of Buddhism in Bihar.

How to reach : Located on a walkable distance from Patna Junction, this park is located in at a distance of 100 meter of Patna Junction.

Distance :
Patna Junction ~ 100 m
Airport : 6-7 km
Mithapur Bus Stand ~ 5-6 km


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  1. I love finding new travel bloggers posts, otherwise I would never get to “experience” a lot of places, this place is really cool. Wow, I can’t believe how much history and years these places have in them.

    1. Hey Amrita, Thanks for your views. I think it is okay that cameras are not allowed after seeing the condition of the places where camera are actually allowed.

  2. This is my kind of place, the park looks so peaceful and beautiful. but they should allow people go in with their camera and capture the beauty of the environment.

  3. I have never been to Bihar and I love visiting Buddhist temples and places. I guess it’s time I plan a trip, maybe combine it with my next trip to Delhi. Thanks for sharing this detailed post, would love to refer back when I go.

    1. Glad to know that @Medha. You should visit Sanchi and Sarnath before coming to Bihar. Although Bodh Gaya is most important places but the aura of these places are totally different.

  4. I love all religious buildings – they are so peaceful. I feel mixed about cameras inside. Personally I love quietly photographing inside and feel disappointed when it’s not allowed. But I understand others feel differently. x

  5. Very nice article. 🙂 It is very detailed.
    The photos hit the mark too.

    More power to you blog. 🙂

  6. What a lovely and informative post! I really enjoyed reading it! How disappointing when you aren’t allowed to take pictures, though!

  7. This is such an informative and detailed post. Those pictures are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

  8. Severe Patna nostalgia happening now! Part of my childhood summers were spent there, because of my cousins, and I last went in 2014. I need to return and soon!

  9. I’ve never experienced any of these dishes, but the mutton looks really delish. I’ll have to try it someday.

  10. Buddha Smriti Park looks beautiful! I enjoy learning about the history of places, and this one seems very rich! I hope I get to visit one day, were you able to take these photos with your phone? They look great! ❤

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