Experience Authentic India Through Kila Raipur Rural Olympics

When someone says that they want to experience the authentic taste of Indian culture, there are a lot of reply. From Durga Puja of Kolkata to the traditional festivals of North East India, there is a lot of explore. Chattisgarh Durga Puja and Mathura Holi are some of the most authentic religious festivals of India. But there is hardly any festival that combines the local culture with the dance, music and food. And this is where Kila Raipur stands apart from its counterparts.

This vlog is about one of the most beautiful and unique festivals in India. Organized in Kila Raipur of Ludhiana Punjab, the event witnesses some of the most bizzare sports that range form horse cart race to gatka which is traditional martial arts from Punjab. Apart from this you’ll also see hockey, tire lifting competition, wheelchair race, kabaddi, long jump and potato sack lifting contest. See how diverse Kila Raipur Rural Olympics is?


About Kila Raipur Rural Olympics

When is Kila Raipur Rural Olympics Organized

Kila Raipur Rural Olympics is organized in the month of February. Usually the dates are announced in the first week of January and the card is subject to change.

Where is Kila Raipur

Kila Raipur is located near Ludhiana. A number of local buses will drop you near Dehlon from where you will have to catch another bus or autorikshaow to the sports venue.



20 thoughts on “Experience Authentic India Through Kila Raipur Rural Olympics

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  1. Very interesting article! I appreciate the video and how it provides a better look into the events.

  2. Nice video. I like that you were able to capture the essence in about 2min and not, like you see often, in 10min or even more.

  3. I’ve never heard of Kila Raipur before. Such an interesting aspect of Indian culture. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I love the video, and yes, it is my first time to hear about this one. Thanks for sharing this; it is a new knowledge for me.

  5. I had never heard of the Kila Raipur Rural Olympics – looks like an amazing event! Great participation across so many events, and interspersed with cultural songs/ dances makes it even more fascinating.

  6. Oooh Kila Raipur sounds like a fantastic way to experience local culture, food and dance! It must be really fun for all the participants too!

  7. This looks like it would be a lot of fun to see in person! The activities you mentioned and the ones shown in the video do look unique, without a doubt. The competitors, musicians, and dancers all seem to be having a great time. It’s always interesting when competitions and sports reflect authentic, local culture.

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