A Short Glimpse to My Nine Years Spent on Road

I started exploring India in 2012. In those times, terms like solo travel and backpacking were not thrown around like peanuts. Travelling in India was very different back then. In the last 9 years, the concept of travelling has evolved and a lot of places have become popular. This video is a short glimpse about my travels around India where I explored its many terrains, tasted every type of food, and attended many festivals. 

Solo Travel in India for a Year

June 2018 marks the day when I left my job and started traveling. When I started my journey, I had no idea that I'll make it this far, but somehow I did. I am presenting these memories in form of a video that I have shot during this journey. Using random clips of festivals, food, ride and a lot more

The Colorful Extravaganza Called Kochi Carnival – A Photo Story

Thousands and thousands of people dressed in their finest dresses stand on the two sides of the main Fort Kochi street. A police van passes by, following which a group of priest march with an elephant covered in gold lead a procession signaling the start of Kochi Carnival. The same moment I realize, 'oh shit, wrong lens.'

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