North East Sightseeing: The Ultimate Tourist Checklist

On a faraway path from the beaten wayside, this exotic speck saving itself amongst its own kind displays an assortment of interesting points. Establishments of enchantment shrouded in mysticism and entrancing and unreal topographical marvels are what make North East Places to visit on a mission. 

It’s Time We Stop Geotagging Our Favorite Places

As travelers, it is our responsibility to be mindful of the impact on how we travel. We must be responsible and respectful visitors. There is no harm in ensuring that the destinations we love remain sustainable for future generations. Travel is a better experience when you stop caring about what influencers say or do and instead indulge in your own thing.

Kambala – Uttara Kannada’s Unique Sport

Kambala is celebrated after the monsoon and harvest season is over and the farm animals need a way to wind themselves off. Kambala mainly sees buffalos racing on a track, backed by a strong farmer, who assists them on a wooden plank behind the pair of buffalos.

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